Saturday 17 September 2011

New week! New Motivation! New Recipe!

Right, well lets get the unplesentaries out of the way! Saturday morning is when I have my weight (wi) at home. Well this week I was up 1.6lbs. Yes its up....but comparded to recent weeks its a small gain!

A number of factors influenced the scales this week, not making excuses, but one does have to accept it is impossible to be be "perfect" 100%. This week, I think the injections I was on for the alst 4 years have finally left my I think I got a very small "time of month" for half a day! As odd as that sounds...I'm delighted, means by body finally starting to recover and stablise! Yippp! Going to hold off till maybe Christmas to get the implanon put in. The pill just does not suit me...and the back pain I used to get during my periods was horrid! I used to be doped up on painkillers and still hunched over in pain!

Second factor this week, First week back at college! Oh I'm such an animal geek its embarressing! Love my new course! and love my timetable. I have one break a day, and its 1/2 hour long...means no bordom popping into the city for long lunch, not like last year where some days I was having two 2 hour breaks a day! Which meant lots of coffee, sandwhiches thick slice bread, full fat butter, full fat mayo, full fat milk.

This year I am trying to be more sensible financially aswell and bring packed lunch! This week I was bringing ham/chicken salad sandwhichs. Well clearly from the gain of this week, the sandwiches were not doing the intended job...of filling me up!  Kinda found when i got home from college about 3pm the stomach was roaring at me.

Well today, Saturday just being trying out a ww lunchbox chicken pasta recipe from there website/cook book. and oh wow its so nice...and it even looked like the one in the picture.! The portion I made for my self was 9pp which to me with my points allowance is a very modest respectable number.  And better more, it actually did fill me up! It's carbs, protein, veg! Really healthy and balanced, cheap to make too...everything you can get in aldi and lidl! No running around looking for speciality ingredients! I'm just so chuffed that I finally got off my arse and made it, it's one of these recipes I've been meaning to try for ages!

Woo! Right back to ebay! As part of getting my mo-jo back, I'm bidding on a ww pro points starter pac on ebay! I want to get all the books the meetings people have! I'm only doing it online! I think having some reading material might inspire me at little. Keep it in the nightstand for when I cant sleep!